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Coaching Specialties:                

  • ​Goal Setting (and Successfully Achieving!)
  • Manifesting and Law of Attraction Strategies  
  • Increasing Your Profit To Achieve Financial Freedom
  • Entrepreneurs: How To Own Your Business, So It Doesn't Own You
  • Corporate Consulting
  • How To Create Happiness, Joy and Fulfillment
  • De-Stressing
  • Increasing Productivity
  • Unleashing Your Potential
  • Healthy and Fulfilling Relationships
  • Couples Coaching
  • Divorce Coaching
  • Co-Parenting Intentionally
  • Parenting From A-Z
  • Raising Healthy, Happy, and Resilient Children
  • Dating Coaching
  • Helping High Achievers To Free Up Time For What They Love
  • Holistic Health and Wellness:    From The Inside Out
  • Spirituality and Mental Health
  • Staff Management and Team Building
  • Navigating Narcissistic Relationships



Psychological Specialties:    

  • Anxiety Relief

  • Self Esteem and Confidence Building 

  • Relationships

  • Grief and Loss

  • Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

  • Behavior Problems

  • Infertility

  • Postpartum Adjustment

  • Breakups

  • Sexual Problems

  • Weight Loss

  • Women's Issues

  • Medical and Health Concerns



Imagine planting a seed in your backyard, and just as you start to dig away the first layer, you discover a letter.....addressed to YOU. It looks ancient and worn, resembling a legend. It appears as if it has been lying there for decades. As you open it, chills spread across your body because everything you are reading is so completely personal, nobody but you or your creator could possibly know such details of your life. It retells events you experienced as a baby and some of the most powerful experiences, traumas, victories and chapters of your life. Just as you approach the bottom, and start to wonder if it is merely a capturing of past events, you finish the page.


As you turn it over, you feel a sudden wash of clarity and calm as if you just received a legend to a hidden treasure. 


ALL of the answers you have been searching for are there! Questions you had not yet even consciously asked were addressed. The answers are so insightful that they suddenly feel obvious, and you actually start to wonder why there was even doubt and uncertainty in the beginning. Instantly, each part of your body feels more relaxed, as if an enormous weight has been lifted.


Can you imagine how different your life would be with this letter in your hand? What would it be like if you actually felt guided, like you had a clear sense of direction, knowing what steps to take to reach every goal you have ever dreamed of? Every human being on this planet has a genius that dwells inside; are you ready to learn how to bring that force to the surface and unleash your potential? If you are ready, then let's begin the journey where I can guide you toward revealing your personal legend.


So many therapists and coaches to choose from!

How do you decide?!


My goal is to help you feel better as quickly as possible. Some people think therapy takes years to complete, but if I am doing my job right, you will start seeing breakthrough changes within just a few sessions of working with me.  I share this with confidence because of the feedback I have received from countless clients.  I am passionate about helping you reach your potential.


Are you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or discouraged by all of your efforts to make positive changes in your life?  Maybe you have tried everything and find that nothing works, including previous therapy. You will discover that I offer a very unique approach unlike anything you have previously tried. By working with me to learn practical skills to reach your goals, you can achieve your potential and carry out dreams you may not have imagined were possible. Collaboratively, we will focus on the issue at hand, develop specific goals, and create a personalized plan to address your needs.  I accept a limited number of clients at any given time, which means I give you my full energy and attention during every session. 





Hammock Relaxing

​© 2020 Bardos Psychological Services, PLLC

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